What is the old method for rewiring in Edinburgh?

Rewiring edinburgh

Ceramic material for Rewiring:

The Rewiring edinburgh  It’s a ceramic base, and this is probably not a fact. They don’t work; it’s just that the wiring on these and the plugs are also ancient. Certainly not compliant with anything that would be used remotely recently, so you know, actually just put new flex on these. New plugs as well and hopefully reuse the old switch so let’s have a closer look and see what we’re doing. Here’s one of them; they’re both the same, just slightly different holders.

That is a kind of ceramic material here plastic holder. So it’s only going to be a two-core flex you are going to replace it. With two cores, which are bayonets, that’s pretty much the standard deal in the Uk, so there they are now; the main problem with these is the flex. We can see the flex here’s that strange twin stuff single insulation and, indeed, not rated for 230-volt use. It’s presumably on their very long time looking at the state of it; let’s go straight in the hole in the bottom. They’ve got a little inline switch Rewiring Edinburgh here, then flex goes straight in and out, so see if we can reuse that, and the other problem here is the plug; there are the effects.

Rewiring edinburgh

That is a crab tree plug on this one main problem here is the pins are un-sleeved; there’s a certain amount of corrosion on those for whatever reason, although these are only going to be dangerous. If you try to put your fingers around and plug it in like that, the reality is that new plugs need to have sleeved pins. So we’re changing the plug on this one as well; the other one’s the same deal. Again they’ve got that little Inline switch, which does screw together; it’s going to give us an idea of how old these are because the new ones snap together.

The old method for Rewiring:

Generally, Rewiring Edinburgh, one time only, same weird twin flat flex; there is no proper covering on that, and then the plug on this one is that yellowed item that’s an ever-ready Thing. Again, the same era on sleeve pins, so we’re talking mid-80s and earlier, so uh, considerable age to these. And again, it’s such that awful, uh, almost looks like bell Wire stuff going in there now; entirely sure that was even compliant at the time.

Because even in the 1970s and 80s, this kind of weird flex could have been better to use. So let’s separate these things and then see what’s happening inside. We’ll get rid of this lamp; this is some seven-watt complex fluorescent affair, not the best of choices. These days that’s what it came with; now they’re going to have to remove that felt from the base here. So we can get inside. So peel away at the edge here, and let’s see what you can find with these made of plastery-type material. Come reasonably quickly, yeah, that looks like plaster, that’s what’s been cast, or like a ceramic fellow over the top. There, they can see the flex shoved up the back in a hole, so it is not the best Arrangement.